
The Project-Centric Internship on Research Methodologies is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the research process, from conceptualizing research questions to data collection, analysis, and reporting. By focusing on hands-on learning through real-world projects, participants will gain practical experience in key areas such as problem formulation, research design, and data interpretation. This 12-week internship will equip participants with the skills needed to conduct impactful research and contribute meaningfully to their respective fields.

Short Description:

This internship offers participants the opportunity to master the essentials of research methodologies, including proposal writing, problem formulation, and data analysis. Over 12 weeks, participants will work on actual research projects, allowing them to apply their learning in real-time, test their tools through pretests, and finalize research instruments. By the end of the program, participants will have collected and analyzed data, interpreted results, and drafted discussions.

Long Description:

The Project-Centric Internship on Research Methodologies is an immersive program designed for individuals aspiring to learn the end-to-end process of conducting academic or applied research. The internship provides a structured approach, covering key aspects of research, including proposal development, research problem definition, research design, sampling, and data collection tools.

Participants will not only learn theoretical concepts but also work on real-life projects, enabling them to conduct pretests, finalize questionnaires, and collect meaningful data. With continuous mentorship and feedback, participants will learn how to perform data curation, apply statistical tools, interpret results, and write effective research discussions. The practical experience gained during this internship will make participants proficient in independent research work and ready for academic or professional research settings.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the internship, participants will:

  1. Understand the fundamentals of research methodologies.
  2. Develop the ability to write well-structured research proposals.
  3. Formulate research problems and define clear problem statements.
  4. Draft research justifications and objectives.
  5. Choose appropriate research methodologies and tools.
  6. Conduct sampling and calculate sample sizes effectively.
  7. Develop, pretest, and finalize data collection instruments (questionnaires).
  8. Apply data curation and analysis techniques.
  9. Interpret research results and write clear, insightful discussions.
  10. Develop a complete research report based on data collected during the project.

Modules and Lessons:

Module 1: Research and its Components

Module 2: Writing a Research Proposal

Module 3: Research Design and Methodology

Module 4: Sampling Techniques

Module 5: Defining Variables and Conceptual Framework

Module 6: Questionnaire Development

Module 7: Data Collection

Module 8: Data Curation and Preparation

Module 9: Data Analysis

Module 10: Writing Results and Discussion

Module 11: Reporting and Presentation

Module 11: Preparation for Publishing in Journal

Internship Flow:


Area of Research:

·         Public Health

·         Nutrition

·         Environment and Climate Change Issues


What will a participant get:

Ø  An Internship Completion Certificate

Ø  A Published Paper



Ø  Dr. Abu Jamil Faisel, Senior Public Health Expert

Ø  Dr. Kapil Uddin, Public Health Expert

Ø  Md. Shahinur Rahman, Environmental Expecialist, PKSF

Ø  Md. Mahmudur Rahman, Medical Biotechnologist, BSc in BGE, MS in Biotech (Uppsala, Sweden),

Ø  MPH (USA), PhD (Drug Development)

Ø  Tasnima Haque, Nutritionists, BSc in Nutrition and Food Engineering, MPH, PhD (Ongoing)

Ø  And Other Experts


Start Date:

October 20


Number of Class:

17 Structured Class

Unlimited one to one discussion during project finalization.



12,000 Taka Per Participants

ü  HNO Life Members will get 50% Discounts

ü  HNO General Members will get 40% Discounts

ü  HNO Student Members will get 30% Discounts

ü  A group of 5 person will get 15% Discounts

ü  Previous HSDC Student will get 15% Discounts


Deadline For Registration:

October 10, 2024

