Course description

Dive deep into the science of body fat and lipolysis in this detailed course. Explore how the body stores fat and the complex processes involved in breaking it down for energy. This course covers various factors influencing lipolysis, such as diet and provides evidence-based strategies for effective fat loss. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast, a health professional, or simply interested in understanding how your body works, this course offers valuable insights and practical knowledge for managing body fat.

What will i learn?

  • Understand the biological mechanisms of fat storage and lipolysis.
  • Identify the key hormones involved in regulating fat metabolism.
  • Explore evidence-based strategies for effective and sustainable fat loss.
  • Gain insights into the physiological and psychological factors influencing body fat management.
  • Develop practical skills to apply knowledge of fat metabolism in real-world scenarios.


  • Open for all

Frequently asked question

Open for all

Mohammad Mahmudur Rahman

BSc in BGE (KU), MS in Biotech (Uppsala, Sweden), PGD in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (KI, Sweden), MPhil (UniBonn, Germany), MPH (WU, USA), PhD in Drug Development

Nutritionist Tasnima Haque

BSc in Nutrition and Food Engineering (DIU), MPH (AIUB), PhD (DU-Continue)

BSc in Nutrition and Food Engineering (DIU), MPH (AIUB), PhD (DU-Continue)






Skill level


Expiry period

12 Months



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