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Food and Drug Interaction

Food and Drug Interaction


Food and drug interaction occurs when the foods you eat affect the way your medications work, potentially altering their effectiveness or causing side effects. Understanding these interactions is crucial for optimal health outcomes, ensuring medications work as intended, and preventing adverse reactions

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Expiry period 12 Months
Made in English
Last updated at Fri Jul 2024
Total lectures 14
Total quizzes 1
Total duration 03:54:38 Hours
Total enrolment 2
Number of reviews 0
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Short description Food and drug interaction occurs when the foods you eat affect the way your medications work, potentially altering their effectiveness or causing side effects. Understanding these interactions is crucial for optimal health outcomes, ensuring medications work as intended, and preventing adverse reactions
  • Identify common food and drug interactions
  • Explain the mechanisms by which foods affect drug absorption and metabolism.
  • Apply knowledge of interactions to improve patient care and medication efficacy.
  • Recognize which foods commonly interact with medications.
  • Understand the impact of specific nutrients on drug efficacy.
  • Understand the biochemical and physiological processes involved.
  • Describe how foods can alter drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion.
  • Implement strategies to avoid or manage food and drug interactions.
  • Educate patients on safe dietary practices while taking medications.
  • Develop personalized plans for patients considering their diet and medication regimen.
  • Health care professionals, Doctor, Nutritionist, Pharmacists